Bears Glistening & 1st Birthday
My beautiful baby Bear turned ONE on the 9th May 2017 and we decided it was the perfect opportunity to get him christened or should we say glistened at home and have a joint party for both.
We designed the day around the theme of a Teddy Bears Picnic & Bear Hunt with party games including a beehive pinata, pin the honeypot on the bear and a real teddy hunt. Each child received their own Bear Hunt activity book as their party gift.
Ricky and Bear wore matching outfits and yellow bow ties, Bears was from Next with the yellow shorts and my sister made Ricky a matching bow tie with the same fabric. I wore a gorgeous yellow dress from Chi Chi London.
It was a lovely day filled with family, friends, love and laughter (and some rain!) but we enjoyed every minute of it and the day was captured by the talented Helen Warner.